
Drone intrusion rises in Punjab border but drops in Jammu along IB: BSF

NEW DELHI — The num­ber of drones being sight­ed in Pun­jab, com­ing from Pak­istan has seen a sig­nif­i­cant rise this year as com­pared to the Jam­mu sec­tor.

Accord­ing to Bor­der Secu­ri­ty Force (BSF), till July this year total of 107 drones fly­ing from across the bor­der side were spot­ted inside Indi­an ter­ri­to­ry, as com­pared to 97 drones spot­ted the whole of last year.

As many as 97 drones com­ing from across the bor­der were sight­ed by the BSF in 2021 along Inter­na­tion­al Bor­der (IB) includ­ing 64 such cas­es in Pun­jab, 31 in Jam­mu and two drones were seen enter­ing from the Line of Con­trol (LOC) in Jam­mu.

From 2022 till July, as many as 107 drones were sight­ed along IB that includ­ing 14 in Jam­mu and 93 in the Pun­jab sec­tor and no drone was sight­ed enter­ing from the LOC in Jam­mu.

A senior BSF offi­cer said that most of these drones have come from Pak­istan and are used to deliv­er nar­cotics, weapons, explo­sives and ammu­ni­tion.

“There are teams with anti-drone guns deployed in bor­ders. The patrolling par­ties keep watch on any sus­pi­cious aer­i­al activ­i­ty and often they recov­er nar­cotics sub­stances and arms deliv­ered from these drones,” he said.

In the year 2021, BSF shot down one drone in the Fer­ozpur sec­tor while this year sev­en drones were shot down and a huge quan­ti­ty of nar­cotics that was sup­posed to be deliv­ered through drones was also recov­ered.

The total length of Pun­jab’s bor­der with Pak­istan is 553 kilo­me­tres and the 198-km stretch of the India-Pak­istan bor­der in the Jam­mu region is guard­ed by BSF.

Anoth­er BSF offi­cer said that there is no effec­tive anti-drone tech­nol­o­gy avail­able to shoot down every drone cross­ing the inter­na­tion­al bor­der but their men on the ground keep watch on drones or any aer­i­al object cross­ing the bor­der.

“Not only ground, but we also keep an eye on the sky and BSF per­son­nel are trained to shoot down uniden­ti­fied UAVs. Some­times drones fly too high to get detect­ed, we only detect it by hum­ming sound when it comes close to ground,” he said. — (ANI)