
Carry out activities against drug abuse, file report on daily basis: DSEK to schools

SRINAGAR — Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) has asked all schools in the Valley to carry out various activities in the educational institutions regarding drug menace and submit report to it on daily basis.

“As per the instructions issued by this Directorate from time to time and as per guidelines given by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir in various meetings, the heads of all Educational Institutions of Kashmir Division are placed under strict instructions to adhere to the guidelines in letter & spirit,” reads a circular by DSEK.

Among others, they have been asked to write attractive messages with regard to drug menace on the front walls of classrooms / main building walls etc. and ensure the conduct of essay writing competitions, debates, seminars and other activities in all the institutions.

“They shall also invite the victims who recovered from drug menace through rehabilitation process (success stories) to share positive message amongst students.”

Besides, the DSEK said, the PETs/PEMs/PELs shall be nominated as counselors for counseling of students and general awareness amongst the students and general masses.

“In order to create mass awareness and disseminate these messages, road shows, nukad nataks etc be organized,” the circular reads, adding, “the reports on daily basis as per already devised format be submitted to (DSEK) office positively by or before 2pm.” — (GNS)