
Two Lashkar militant associates arrested along with arms, ammunition in Srinagar: Police

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — Jammu and Kashmir Police on Wednesday claimed to have arrested two associates of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant outfit along the National Highway Bypass in Srinagar.

Jammu and Kashmir Police in a statement said, “On Tuesday, Srinagar Police received an information about the movement of suspected militants along NHW Bypass. Upon this information, a joint team of Srinagar Police and QRT of CRPF set up a strong checkpoint near Sham Lal Petrol Pump, N R Colony at NHW Bypass.”

“During naka checking, a white-coloured Santro car bearing Registration Number JK09A-2788 coming from Parimpora and headed towards Tengpora tried to flee from the spot upon seeing the police party at the checkpoint. However, they were apprehended tactfully,” the statement said.

“During search, two militant associates of proscribed militant outfit LeT were arrested and a huge cache of arms and ammunition including 02 Pistols, 04 Magazines, 02 Filler Magazines and 08 Grenades were recovered from their possession,” the statement said.

“The arrested militant associates were identified as Mumtaz Ahmad Lone, son of Gh Qadir Lone and Jahangir Ahmad Lone, son of Gh Mohidin Lone — both residents of Trehgam Kupwara.”

In this connection, a case vide FIR No.128/2023 under relevant sections of law has been registered in Police Station Batamaloo and investigation has been initiated. — (KIMS)