
Five villages reel under darkness as generator goes up in flames in Gurez

GUREZ — A gen­er­a­tor sup­ply­ing elec­tric­i­ty to sev­er­al vil­lages went up in flames in Kan­zal­wan area of Gurez in north Kash­mir’s Bandi­po­ra dis­trict on Sun­day late evening.

Offi­cial sources said that the gen­er­a­tor caught fire, leav­ing at least five vil­lages of Gurez includ­ing Kan­zal­wan, Naibasti, Izmarg, Jalin­doo­ra and Chunti­wari under dark­ness.

“Soon after notic­ing the flames, the locals reached to the spot and doused the flames,” they said.

Per­ti­nent­ly, the entire snow bound Gurez Val­ley depends on diesel-set gen­er­at­ed pow­er sup­ply while the gov­ern­ment is work­ing on a project to get Gurez Val­ley con­nect­ed with grid sta­tions in Bandi­po­ra for reg­u­lar elec­tric­i­ty. — (KNO)