
GoI declares two factions of J&K Muslim Conference as Unlawful Associations

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — A day after extending ban on Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), Jammu and Kashmir for five more years, the Government of India (GoI) on Wednesday declared two factions of Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference as Unlawful Associations.

The Home Minister of India, Mr. Amit Shah said, “The Government has declared Sumji faction and Bhat faction of the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference as Unlawful Associations.”

He said, “These outfits have been engaging in activities against the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.”

According to Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India’s notification, Sumji faction, chaired by Ghulam Nabi Sumji, remained involved in supporting militant activities and providing logistic support to militancy in Jammu and Kashmir. If the government does not immediately control of unlawful activities of the faction, it will continue with the anti-national activities which are detrimental to the territorial integrity, security and sovereignty of the country.

In a similar notification, Bhat faction, chaired by Abdul Ghani Bhat, was declared unlawful for being involved in raising funds through various sources including Pakistan and its proxy organisations for “perpetrating unlawful activities, including supporting militant activities, sustained stone-pelting on security forces in Jammu and Kashmir’.

On Tuesday, the Government of India (GoI) extended ban on Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), Jammu and Kashmir for five more years. The organization was declared as an Unlawful Association in February 2019 and was banned for the period of five years.

In December last year, the Government of India (GoI) also declared Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League and Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH), Jammu and Kashmir as Unlawful Associations. — (KIMS)