JAMMU — A workshop on “GeM rocurement and Supply Chain Management (DVDMS) was organized by Jammu & Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation Limited at Udhyog Bhawan, Rail Head, Jammu on 3rd March, 2022.
The workshop was inaugurated by the Additional Chief Secretary, Health & Medical Education Department, J&K Vivek Bharadwaj, IAS. The participants consisted of Chief Medical Officers, Block Medical Officers, Chief Accounts Officers, dealing assistants of all the districts of Jammu Province.
In the welcome address, Dr. Yashpal Sharma, Managing Director, JKMSCL thanked the Chief Guest for coming and gave a brief description of the work of JKMSCL and also discussed the new challenges being faced by H&ME Department at the Gross Root levels in procurement.
Chief Guest, Vivek Bharadwaj, IAS in his inaugural speech described how GeM has revolutionized the Government Purchase and how important it is to learn the GeM procurement system. He asked all the participants to take the benefit of the workshop.
In the workshop, Dr. Yashpal Sharma, MD JKMSCL gave a presentation on procurement and supply chain management through DVDMS. Mr. L. B. Goutam, GeM Certified Expert described GeM through its various modules and practically gave a demonstration.
Col (Dr.) Ashish Banergee posted in the office of Director General, AFMS gave a session on “Medical Procurement in supply chain management – Govt. e-market Places”. Rohit Lohani, Director Global Smart Operations, Johnson & Johnson gave a presentation on “Efficient Management & Regulating Material” for optimal inventory management.
In the end of the workshop, Dr. Abdul Majid Mehrab, General Manager thanked all the participants. — (KNS)