
Mission Waapsi: Rehab, skill development centre to be augmented for drug abuse victims

SRINAGAR — In order to formulate the action plan for Rehabilitation of victims of drug abuse and to curb, eradicate the drug menace from the district, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad Monday chaired a meeting at Meeting Hall of DC Office Complex, here.

Superintendent of Police, Srinagar, Superintending Engineer R&B, Programme Officer, ICDS, Chief Planning Officer, Deputy Director Employment, Deputy Superintendents of Police, Crime/Narcotics, Chief Education Officer, District Coordinator, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Assistant Drug Controller, Nodal Officer Skill Development, HoD Department of Psychiatry/Incharge Drug De-addiction Centre, SMHS, Hospital and other concerned were present in the meeting.

The meeting discussed a proposed action plan in detail for Rehabilitation, Motivation, Career Counselling and Skill Development of affected drug victims by way of providing handholding under different Self-Employment Schemes. The meeting also held threadbare deliberations on the rising trend of drug abuse and measures undertaken by the District Administration to break the drug supply chain and cracking the peddling and consumption hotspots to save youth.

On the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said that a Rehabilitation cum Skill Development & Career Counselling Centre is being augmented in Srinagar for Rehabilitation of victims of Drug Abuse. He said the centre will be equipped with all requisite facilities including Patientcare, Rehabilitation, Career Counselling, Skill Development Classrooms, Sports etc so that youth of the District would remain far away from the consumption of narcotic substances and simultaneously they are Guided and Rehabilitated by different Self-Employment schemes.

With regard to the launch of the Anti-Drug IEC campaign, the DC asked the Departments of Education, Youth Services & Sports, Nehru Yuva Kendra and other line Departments to submit a schedule of activities and action plans by March 15.

While all City Tehsildars were directed to mobilise local people including youth and Mohalla level influencers for volunteer services in fight against the drug abuse in their respective jurisdictions by highlighting the ill effects of drug abuse.

Similarly, Officers of ICDS and Health Department were directed to launch door to door awareness cum counselling campaigns regarding the menace at ASHA and Aanganwari levels.

The DC said that District Administration Srinagar has launched “MISSION WAAPSI” to eliminate drug menace from the District with the aim to REHABILITATE victims of Drug addiction by providing them dignified LIVELIHOOD through proper handholding and guidance under Government Self-Employment schemes.

The DC emphasised for better coordination among all the line Departments, Stakeholders and Drug law enforcement agencies to keep a check on drug trafficking and related issues and ensure prompt sharing of inputs within all enforcement units so that timely action is taken against the drug peddlers. He further stressed on the need to make joint efforts to break the supply chain and demand for drugs in the District.

The DC also directed the CEO and other concerned to ensure proper vigil in and around the schools to keep check on supply and use of drugs across the District.

The DC also sought cooperation from the family particularly from parents to overcome the menace among the youth which also leads to other social evils and crimes. He said parents have an important role to keep the youngsters away from the use of drugs and also the family support for the affected people could lead them towards normal life once again.

Earlier, HoD Department of Psychiatry/Incharge Drug De-addiction Centre, SMHS, Hospital Dr Yasir shared his Clinical experience in handling victims of substance abuse. He suggested several preventive measures to combat the drug menace and rehabilitating victims of drug abuse. — (KNO)