
Police rope in drum beaters to warn people against Jamaat-e-Islami in J&K

JAMMU — Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday used drum-beaters to attract attention of the public to warn them of any association with banned Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) group in Rajouri and Kishtwar districts.

The centre extended the ban on JeI for five years in February for continuing activities against the “security, integrity and sovereignty” of the nation. The group was first declared an “unlawful association” in February 2019.

A police party visited the house of arrested JeI leader Ameer Mohammad Shamsi in Rattal area of Chowdhary Nar in Rajouri and pasted posters informing people about the ban on the group.

Police also sought information from the public about those having links with the outfit.

Similarly, a police vehicle fitted with public address system and drum-beaters made a round of Kishtwar town and warned people of stern action in case anyone was found associated with the JeI. — (PTI)