
Social Media Misuse Can Invite UAPA, Police Warns

SRINAGAR — Soon after the Zewan attack in which 12 cops received injuries and two got killed, Jammu and Kashmir Police issued a warning for social media users.

“Beware Social Media users. Aiding and abetting of terror is as grave as the actual act of terror. It is punishable under Unlawful Activities of Prevention Act (UAPA),” reads the tweet.

Recently, two residents of Rajouri were detained on a sensitive Facebook post on a helicopter crash that led to the death of the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), his wife and eleven other security personnel in Tamil Nadu.

Jammu and Kashmir Bank also put a female employee under suspension for reacting with a laughing emoji on a news post related to the death of CDS.

On October 28, 2021, three Kashmiri youth studying at an Agra engineering college were arrested for allegedly celebrating Pakistan’s win over India at a T20 World Cup Match. The trio has been booked under UAPA and is yet to get bail.

Similarly, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir issued a show-cause notice to the employee of the Forest Department for criticizing the Power Development Department (PDD) for poor electricity.