
The alarming rise of Drug Abuse in Kashmir Valley

SRINAGAR [Waqar Fayaz Bhat] (KIMS) — The Kashmir Valley is grappling with a growing concern that threatens the well-being of its youth and the fabric of its society—drug abuse. It is witnessing a surge in drug addiction, with the past year recording a staggering influx of individuals seeking treatment.

According to a report by Deccan Herald and statistics compiled by the J&K government, eight percent (8%) of the population in Jammu and Kashmir is addicted to drugs. Experts suggest that this percentage only includes those who seek treatment, which typically happens at an advanced stage. Figures shared by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in the Lok Sabha indicate that nearly 10 lakh people in J&K consume various kinds of drugs. The population of J&K, according to the 2011 census, is 1.25 crore.

Consequences and Impact

The consequences of drug abuse in the Kashmir Valley are far-reaching and devastating. Drug addiction has led to a significant increase in crime, with many addicts resorting to theft, robbery, and other illegal activities to support their habit. The health implications are equally alarming, with drug abuse linked to a range of health problems, including cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, and mental health disorders.

Drug abuse has also had a profound impact on the social fabric of Kashmiri society. Family relationships are being torn apart, and the once-strong social bonds that characterized Kashmiri culture are slowly disintegrating. The rise in drug abuse has also led to an increase in domestic violence, sexual abuse, and other social problems.

Efforts and Initiatives

To combat the growing epidemic of drug abuse in the Kashmir Valley, various efforts and initiatives have been launched by the government, civil society organizations, and community leaders. These include:

  • Establishment of de-addiction centers and rehabilitation programs
  • Awareness campaigns and education programs
  • Community-based initiatives and outreach programs
  • Collaboration with religious leaders and community elders
  • Strengthening of law enforcement and drug control measures


The rise of drug abuse in the Kashmir Valley is a serious concern that requires immediate attention and action. The region’s youth, families, and society as a whole are at risk, and urgent measures are needed to address this growing epidemic. By working together, we can help to save the youth of the Kashmir Valley from the clutches of drug addiction and restore the region’s rich cultural heritage and social fabric.

The government, civil society organizations, community leaders, and individuals must come together to raise awareness, provide support and treatment for addicts, and address the root causes of drug abuse. We owe it to the future generations of the Kashmir Valley to act now and ensure that the region’s youth are protected from the devastating consequences of drug abuse.

Parents hold a vital responsibility in shielding their children from drug abuse. However, imposing unrealistic expectations on children can inadvertently drive them towards drugs. When children fail to meet their parents’ expectations, they may seek escape in drugs, perpetuating a harmful cycle. Instead, parents should offer emotional support and encourage their children to pursue their passions rather than coercing them into unwanted careers.

Moreover, community involvement is crucial in combating drug abuse. When the community comes together to condemn drug-related activities and support those affected, it can effectively combat the issue. By fostering a united and supportive environment, we can collectively work towards a drug-free society.

Author Waqar Fayaz Bhat is a founding member of “We the Kashmir Foundation NGO”