SRINAGAR — The authorities on Sunday suspended the registration of two-wheeler (Scooty) that was used by two youths for stalking and harassing a girl in Dal Gate, Srinagar.
The registration of two-wheeler (Scooty) bearing Registration Number JK01AG-5814 owned by Peerzada Sajad Arif S/o Haji Shareef-u-Din R/o Kwajapora Srinagar was suspended by Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Kashmir in an order on Sunday.
In view of the complaints, social media and other verified reports and also in view of the fact that an FIR No:35/2023 Dated: 05-03-2023 under Section 341, 506, 509, 294, 354D of IPC has been registered in the Police Station Ram Munshi Bagh Srinagar. The two-wheeler has been used in commission of the cognizable offence and an act which is likely to cause nuisance and danger to the public and has, therefore, failed to comply with the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and the Rules made there under, reads the order issued by Syed Shahnawaz Bukhari (JKAS) Regional Transport Officer, Kashmir
It reads that, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 53 of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, the Registration Mark JK01AG-5814 is, hereby, suspended with immediate effect.
Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar while reacting to the eve teasing incident in Dal Gate Srinagar said, there is zero tolerance for such behaviour.
He also said the registration of two-wheeler has been suspended.
The Registration of scooty bearing Mark JK01AG-5814 linked with Eve-teasing case of yesterday in the Dal Gate area is hereby suspended with immediate effect under Section 53 of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. Zero tolerance for such unlawful behaviour, he tweeted.
On Sunday, Police arrested two youths namely Saqib Mehraj and Faizan Yousuf, both residents of Kanidiver Hawal for stalking and harassing a girl in Dal Gate, Srinagar. The two-wheeler (Scooty) used by them was also seized by the Police. — (KIMS)