
Delhi HC adjourns hearing on Asiya Andrabi’s plea against property seizure

NEW DELHI — The Delhi High Court on Tuesday adjourned hearing on the pleas by two Kashmiri separatists Sofi Fehmeeda and Asiya Andrabi against National Investigation Agency (NIA) for seizure of their car and house in Jammu and Srinagar cities, respectively.

On the request of the counsel for appellants, the court adjourned the matter for April 26.

Last year, the agency had opposed the appeal moved by Andrabi and others, saying it was established that premises have been used by the Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM)for holding meetings to commit unlawful activities and militant activities.

Andrabi is the chief of banned outfit DeM, which advocates secession of Jammu and Kashmir from India.

In 2019, the NIA issued attachments orders for the seizure of Andrabi’s house and her associate Fehmeeda’s car, alleging that these properties were proceeds of militancy and were used to further militant activities.

Andrabi has been charged with violating the provisions of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).

On directions of the Union Home Ministry, the NIA registered a case against them and the organisation. — (IANS)