
F&ES aspirants protest in Srinagar, demand inquiry committees report to be make public

SRINAGAR — The Fire and Emergency Service (F&ES) job aspirants who had applied for different posts in the department staged a protest in Srinagar on Wednesday.

Reports said, the aspirants assembled at Press Colony in Srinagar and staged a protest demonstration and were demanding the Jammu and Kashmir administration should make public the report of the inquiry committee.

The protesting aspirants were holding banners and placards which read ‘we want justice’.

One of the protestor said, I am a victim of injustice by the Fire and Emergency Services Department. We applied for the posts in 2012 but it was found that there was a ‘scam’. Then we applied again in 2018 and again a ‘scam’ was found. Last year again another ‘scam’ was found.

He said the administration had formed a three-member panel headed by Additional Chief Secretary Home R K Goyal to probe the alleged irregularities in December last year.

The committee was given one month to submit the report but now we are into the third month and the report has not come, he added.

Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir People’s Party chief Sheeban Ashai also criticized the LG Government over the issue. He said, these aspirants have been made to run from pillar to post for last ten years since 870 posts were advertised for firemen and firemen drivers in 2013.

Salman Nizami, Chief Spokesman Democratic Azad Party in a tweet said, Make the report on J&K Fire & emergency job aspirants allegations public. After all people deserve to know the findings of the committee. It has been four months now. Deadline was one month!