
Infiltration bid foiled in Naushera Sector, militant killed

JAMMU (KIMS) — The Army on Tuesday claimed to have foiled a major infiltration bide along the Line of Control in Naushera sector by killing a militant and recovering huge cache of arms and ammunition.

The alert troops of Indian Army on night of 10 July, foiled a major infiltration bid along the Line of Control in the Naushera Sector over two nights in a deliberate and massive operation, Army said in a statement.

On 10 July at midnight alert ambushes of Indian Army deployed along the Line of Control, in the Naushera observed suspicious movement of a group of militants moving suspiciously from across the Line of Control towards own side. Own alert troops kept the movement of the infiltrators under constant observation, and when they were nearly 300 meters inside own side of Line of Control they were challenged and a firefight ensued. Heavy and accurate fire was brought down on the militants, one militant was seen falling to the side, while two others who were injured, were seen taking cover into the jungle, the statement said.

The area of operation being broken ground, having thick jungle and foliage, with inclement weather, the militants hide themselves in the jungle. Additional troops were moved in, and the area was cordoned. In a deliberate and massive search operation lasting over two days and two nights, in an area which is heavily mined, in inclement weather conditions, body of one militant who was neutralized, has been recovered with weapon and war like stores, the statement said.

During further search operations into the jungle blood trail, with drag marks on ground were observed leading towards the line of control. Possibly, other injured, militants taking advantage of the forest foliage managed to move back across the Line of Control, the statement said.

Major war like stores recovered, include one AK 47 Rifle, three AK Magazines with 175 Rounds, one 9 mm Pistol, two Magazines with 15 Rounds, Four Hand Grenades, communication equipment, large quantity of eatables and clothing for sustenance, the statement added.

By their quick action, alert Indian Army troops deployed in the Naushera Sector have eliminated a major infiltration bid, which was aimed to disturb the peace in Rajouri. The Indian Army continues to remain alert on the Line of Control and is fully prepared to thwart such attempts in the future too, the statement ends. — (KIMS)