
International women’s day celeberated in Dadsara, Pulwama

PULWAMA — Avtar Singh Trali DDC Dadsara and Provincial Secretary Apni Party, presided over a progamme on International women’s day, celeberated in the premises of Block Devlopment Office Dadsara.

Block Devlopment Officer Mr Farooq Ahmad Mir and BDC Chairperson Sakeena ji also attended the meeting.

Some respectable women citizens, a big number of MGNREGA women beneficiries, aanganwari workers and helpers attended the programme.

While speaking to the audience, Mr Singh highlighted various centrally sponsored schemes, related to women empowerment and welfare.

Mr Singh appreciated the MGNREGA women beneficiaries who devoted 100 work days for the area devlopment and personal upliftment and urged upon all needy and poor women folk of the area for enrollment in MGNerega scheme to earn their livelihood and also urged upon these beneficiaries to make self help groups and work for various Cleanliness oriented schemes of swatch Bharat.

Motivational and informative address was also given to audience by BDO Dadsara.

On the closing ceremony of the event ‘Appreciation Certificates were given to the top women beneficiaries and refreshments were offered to the participants.

Mr Singh lateron visited Noorpora Halqa, met some public deligations and inspected some RDD works going on in the area.