
Man kills brother during scuffle in Sopore, arrested

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — A man has been arrested for killing his brother in Baramulla district of North Kashmir on Tuesday.

The incident happened on Monday in Wadoora village of the district, when the scuffle broke out between two brothers. During scuffle, a youth namely Abid Ahmad Bhat was seriously injured after being hit by his brother.

Soon after the incident, Abid was shifted to Sub-District Hospital (SDH), Sopore for treatment where from doctors referred him to SKIMS, Soura for advanced treatment. However he breathed his last on Tuesday.

The medico legal formalities of the deceased were conducted and body was given to family for last rites.

In this regard, a Case FIR Number 02/2024 U/S 307 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered in Police Station Bomai and investigation was started.

The accused person namely Tawseef Ahmad Bhat, son of Abdul Rashid Bhat was arrested in the instant case. — (KIMS)