
Militant hideout busted in Jalamang Budhal: SSP Rajouri

RAJOURI — Jammu and Kashmir police and Army on Friday busted a militant hideout at Jalamang Budhal area of Rajouri district and claimed to have recovered five hand grenades, six detonators and one AK rifle magazine with thirty bullets.

Quoting Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Rajouri, Mohammad Aslam, KNO reported that the teams of Budhal police station, SoG and Samote based Rashtriya Rifles (60RR) Battalion launched a joint search operation in Jalamang forest area of Targain village in Budhal.

In this search operation, a militant hideout was busted while explosives and ammunition kept hidden there have been recovered, SSP said.

The recovery includes five hand grenades, six detonators, one AK rifle magazine, thirty AK bullets, one envelope cloth and two envelope polythene.

Soon after the recovery, Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) of Army destroyed the grenades through a controlled explosion, KNO quoted SSP Rajouri as having said. He said that further searches in the area are going on.