
No board exams for 8th, 9th standard students: Govt

SRINAGAR — The gov­ern­ment has said that term-end board exam­i­na­tions of 8th and 9th stan­dard shall be con­duct­ed at school lev­el for the cur­rent ses­sion in face-to-face offline mode.

Direc­tor of School Edu­ca­tion Kash­mir (DSEK), Tas­saduq Hus­sain Mir said that the exam­i­na­tion for these class­es would be con­duct­ed by the con­cerned schools and they shall fol­low the same pat­tern of preious aca­d­e­m­ic years to assess the stu­dents accord­ing­ly.

In an offi­cial com­mu­niqué of DSEK said, “DSEK received a com­mu­ni­ca­tion last year from Direc­tor State Coun­cil of Edu­ca­tion Research and Train­ing (SCERT) where­in it was stat­ed that the T2 exam­i­na­tion of Class 8th and 9th shall be con­duct­ed at school lev­el for the ses­sion in face-to-face offline mode with all COVID-19 SOPs in place as per the dis­cus­sion held with admin­is­tra­tive Sec­re­tary of School Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment.”

It fur­ther states that the con­cerned schools shall set the ques­tion papers and the sam­ple papers shall be pre­pared by Edu­ca­tion­al Research Sur­vey and Assess­ment (ERSA) wing of SCERT or Cur­ricu­lum Mate­r­i­al Devel­op­ment and Eval­u­a­tion (CMDE) wings of Dis­trict Insti­tute of Edu­ca­tion and Train­ings (DIET) as per the assess­ment scheme in vogue with a 40 per­cent choice to the stu­dents, keep­ing in view the psy­che or men­tal anx­i­ety and pre­vail­ing COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.

The direc­tor said, “The con­cerned schools will fol­low the same pat­tern and will assess the stu­dents accord­ing­ly.”

The exam­i­na­tions shall be con­duct­ed by Direc­tor of School Edu­ca­tion through the con­cerned direc­torates by strict­ly fol­low­ing COVID-19 SOPs issued by Gov­ern­ment from time to time.

“The eval­u­a­tion shall be done at com­plex head lev­el and result com­pi­la­tion at DIET and the con­cerned DIETs shall issue the achieve­ment cards for the class, stu­dents depict­ing their result,” it reads.