
Principal Secy to LG reviews restoration of power, roads, water supply in Kashmir

SRINAGAR — Principal Secretary to Lt Governor, Sh. Nitishwar Kumar today reviewed the overall situation arisen in the aftermath of recent snowfall in the Valley, and efforts being put in for restoration of Power & Water Supply, Road connectivity, and other essential services.

The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Sh. Pandurang K. Pole, Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division, Chief Engineers of KPDCL, KPTCL, MED, PHE, besides other concerned officers.

While assessing the post snowfall scenario in the Valley through virtual mode, the Principal Secretary took stock of the measures undertaken for restoration of Power supply and transmission lines in each district of the Valley.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir informed the chair regarding the progress in restoration of Power Supply in the Valley. He said that power supply will be restored by evening in most of the areas barring some parts of Kulgam for which alternative from Anantnag is being explored.

Regarding snow clearance, the Div Com informed that MED has cleared 100% roads under Priority Phase-I, while under Phase-II, all the roads will be cleared by today evening. Besides, PWD had cleared the snow from 75% of roads by 11 AM, while rest will be cleared by evening.

Similarly, the meeting was also briefed that to monitor prices of essential items, various market checking teams have been constituted to inspect markets and take appropriate action against the profiteers.

Principal Secretary to Lt Governor directed all DCs to conduct field inspections of hospitals and other important institutions to put a check on their functioning.

He also asked the Div Com to ensure that tourists don’t face any difficulty in the back drop of snow and cancellation of flights, besides keeping roads open to all major tourist destinations.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir informed that roads leading to famous tourist destinations including Gulmarg have been already cleared of snow while matter related to flights has also been addressed. — (KNO)