
Shades of Cringe

Addiction to Cringe Content may have long-lasting negative effects on our society

Zubair-Ul-Islam (Independent Journalist)

SRINAGAR — In our contemporary society, where social media has woven itself into the fabric of everyday life, individuals, especially teenagers, gravitate towards these platforms in pursuit of recognition and fame, aspiring to attain the status of social media celebrities.

However, social media usage varies across age groups and genders. Some individuals employ these platforms as a pastime, others seek amusement, and a few use them to stay informed about current events, while some leverage them for forging connections and engaging in conversations.

The digital era has ushered in effortless access to social media platforms, garnering substantial popularity among teenagers. These young users frequently share their daily experiences on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and others that facilitate the creation of visual content, hosting a plethora of captivating and imaginative materials.

Beyond the realm of entertainment and creativity, there exists a distinct genre known as “Cringe Content,” which often elicits discomfort or embarrassment. This category of content tends to be interpreted humorously by some, leading to the inadvertent adoption of its attributes due to a lack of discernment. Regrettably, this can result in persistent instances of cyberbullying, often cloaked in jest.

Cringe content typically showcases awkward or humiliating moments, fostering a sense of superiority among viewers. By observing the blunders of others, individuals may experience a surge in self-esteem, bolstering their own social aptitude and decision-making. This gratifying feeling of supremacy can be captivating and habit-forming, prompting repeated consumption of cringe-inducing videos.

In addition to permeating social media platforms, cringe content pervades various other mediums, including television series, movies, and web shows, wielding considerable influence over consumers’ inclinations toward such material.

The major effects of getting addicted to cringe content are that it takes us away from the basic teachings and guidance of Islam and it also alienates us from humanity. Due to this alienation, we have become disrespectful towards everyone in the society. We have lost the consciousness to respect our parents, relatives, teachers, elders, and others.

Moreover, the addiction to cringe content inadvertently normalizes behaviors such as eve teasing, perpetuating a cycle of societal ills. Beyond eve-teasing, it contributes to the surge in domestic violence and other forms of social transgressions, eroding moral and ethical values.

It is disconcerting that while intellectually enriching content from respected figures in society, such as doctors, teachers, and religious leaders, goes unnoticed, cringe-worthy content thrives and proliferates due to its addictive nature, warranting serious consideration.