
Kehkashan Anjum highlights modernization initiatives for Labor Force in Pulwama

PULWAMA [Mudasir Maqbool] (KIMS) — Kehkashan Anjum, State Engagement Officer for the National Skill Development Corporation under the Ministry of Skill Development, Government of India, visited IGC Lassipora Pulwama, the largest industrial estate in J&K. Her visit was aimed at raising awareness among skilled and unskilled laborers about the various central government schemes designed for […]


Encounter breaks out in Kakapora Pulwama

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — An encounter breaks out between government forces and militants at Nihama village in Kakapora area of Pulwama district of South Kashmir on Monday. Reports said, a joint team of government forces including Indian Army, J&K Police and CRPF had launched Cordon-and-Search-Operation (CASO) at Nihama village in Kakapora area of the district following […]


From Digitalization to 24×7 Ambulance: MS Abdul Gani Dar Transforms Pulwama District Hospital

PULWAMA [Mudasir Maqbool] (KIMS) — Since Abdul Gani Dar took charge as the Medical Superintendent of District Hospital Pulwama, the hospital has seen remarkable improvements in infrastructure, services, and overall patient care. His dedication and visionary leadership have transformed the hospital, resulting in numerous positive changes that have greatly benefited the community. Under Dar’s leadership, […]