
Two extortionists arrested for extracting money from shopkeepers in Srinagar: Police

SRINAGAR — Two extortionists who were pretending to be militants to extract money from shopkeepers were arrested in Srinagar, police said on Saturday.

Police said that two extortionists namely Mohd Younis Zargar of Khushipora and Mohd Rafiq Bhat of Natipora were arrested for issuing fake threat letters to shopkeepers for monetary gains pretending to be militants using virtual nos.

They said the FIR No 92/2022 U/S 120B,383 & 506 IPC has been registered in Police Station Shergari.

“Two Extortionists namely Mohd Younis Zargar of Khushipora & Mohd Rafiq Bhat of Natipora arrested. They were issuing fake threat letters to shopkeepers for monetary gains pretending to be militants using virtual nos. FIR No 92/2022 U/S 120B,383 & 506 IPC registered in PS Shergari,” Srinagar Police said in a tweet. — (KIMS)