
ANN NEWS cautions people about fake news spread on their name

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — ANN NEWS, Jammu and Kashmir’s first and only News TV Channel on Saturday cautioned people about fake news spread on their name.

ANN NEWS management in a statement said, “We want to bring to your attention the issue of fake news falsely attributed to ANN NEWS. Misinformation can have serious consequences, which is why we urge you to exercise caution and verify sources before sharing any news stories. If you come across instances of fake news being spread in our name, please report them to the relevant authorities or platforms. Your help in combating misinformation is invaluable in maintaining the integrity of news reporting.”

“We are dedicated to providing our viewers and readers with reliable and trustworthy news. For authentic updates and credible journalism, we encourage you to visit our official website at www.asianewsnetwork.net. Your trust and support are vital to us as we continue to uphold the highest standards of journalism,” the statement said.

“By remaining vigilant and reporting fake news, we can work together to combat misinformation and ensure the dissemination of accurate information. Your diligence and cooperation are essential in preserving the truth. We appreciate your responsible engagement and continued support of ANN NEWS,” the statement said. — (KIMS)