
From Digitalization to 24×7 Ambulance: MS Abdul Gani Dar Transforms Pulwama District Hospital

PULWAMA [Mudasir Maqbool] (KIMS) — Since Abdul Gani Dar took charge as the Medical Superintendent of District Hospital Pulwama, the hospital has seen remarkable improvements in infrastructure, services, and overall patient care.

His dedication and visionary leadership have transformed the hospital, resulting in numerous positive changes that have greatly benefited the community.

Under Dar’s leadership, the hospital has fully activated Code Blue, a system designed to respond swiftly and efficiently to medical emergencies. This digital activation has significantly improved the hospital’s response time and effectiveness in handling critical situations, ensuring better patient outcomes.

Dar initiated a comprehensive repainting of the hospital, which has not only enhanced the facility’s aesthetic appeal but also contributed to a more welcoming and hygienic environment for patients, visitors, and staff.

Recognizing the importance of proper lighting for safety and functionality, Dar ensured that lights were installed in every corner of the hospital. This improvement has made the hospital a safer and more comfortable place for everyone.

The hospital’s blood bank has been fully digitalized, streamlining the process of blood donation and transfusion. This advancement has made it easier for patients to receive the blood they need promptly and safely, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the hospital’s blood bank services.

Throughout Dar’s tenure, the hospital’s employees have shown remarkable dedication and hard work. Under his guidance, the staff has demonstrated a commitment to providing the highest level of care to patients, reflecting the positive impact of his leadership.

One of the significant improvements has been the establishment of a 24×7 ambulance service. This round-the-clock service ensures that patients can receive urgent medical attention at any time, further solidifying the hospital’s reputation as a reliable healthcare provider.

Dar has also instilled a culture of transparency and accountability within the hospital. His commitment to these principles has fostered a more trustworthy and effective healthcare environment, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Abdul Gani Dar’s tenure as the Medical Superintendent has been marked by these and many other improvements, all of which have significantly enhanced the quality of care at District Hospital Pulwama. His leadership has set a high standard for medical administration and has been instrumental in the hospital’s progress. — (KIMS)