
G A Mir reviews party’s membership drive in Jammu

JAMMU — Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee President Ghulam Ahmed Mir today reviewed the ongoing membership drive of the party in Jammu District as part of the exercise undertaken by the party to strengthen the cadre base in the J&K.

Mr. Mir chaired a meeting of, prominent leaders including Block Presidents, Ward Presidents and workers of Jammu West Assembly Constituency led by PCC Working President Shri Raman Bhalla.

The meeting was organized by PCC General Secretary Th. Manmogan Singh and took stock of the progress in the membership process at the booth levels. The party workers apprised him of the organizational activities and the keen interest shown by the people towards the policies and programmes of the Congress party.

Mr. Mir emphasized upon the need to enroll the genuine members in order to strengthen the cadre of the party in every nook and corner of the J&K. He said that Congress is the only party which represents the wishes and aspirations of each and every section of the society and believes in the unity in diversity in real sense which is the basic strength of our nation.

Raman Bhalla, Working President PCC in his brief address explained the latest instructions with regard to membership and urge the party cadres to gear up for the cause at the shortest possible time.

He said that quality and not the quantity should be the target and those who are committed to the ideology and principles of the party need to be brought in to the party fold. He stressed that only genuine persons should become the members of the party at all levels up to the booth level.

Shri Yogesh Sawhney – General Secretary & Incharge Dist. President Jammu Urban and General Secretary Th. Manmohan Singh & Treasurer Rajnish Sharma, while speaking in the meeting said that Congress has always taken care of the interests and aspirations of different sections belonging to various faiths, caste, creed and color and there is no such alternative force in the country which has its history, principles and approach towards poor and downtrodden sections of the society.

They urged the senior functionaries, Dist, Block & Ward Presidents and representatives of Mahila, Youth, Seva Dal, INTUC and NSUI to enroll new members from different sections with special emphasis on youth, women, minorities and other downtrodden sections of the society.

Prominent among those attended the meeting included Chairman SC Dept. of JKPCC Shri Karan Bhagat, Secy. PCC Sanjeev Panda, Kewa Krishan Jogi,Pranav Shagotra, Rajinder Singh, Balbir Singh, Vijay Malhotra, Vijay Verma, Pradeep Sharma, Pawan Sharma, Rakesh Shama, Naveen Bali, Anil Bhagat, Sampura Singh, Prabh Dayal, Bachasn Lal, Sukhdev, Krishan Lal, Ajay Kumar, Naresh Diyanu and others. — (KIMS)