
Man arrested for firing with licensed pistol during marriage ceremony in Srinagar

SRINAGAR — A man has been arrested for firing from his licensed pistol during a marriage ceremony at Alochibagh area of Srinagar, police said on Saturday.

Police said that the man identified as Moin Khan, son of Ghulam Mustafa Khan, a resident of Peerbagh Srinagar was arrested for firing and endangering lives of others during a marriage ceremony at Alochibagh area of the city.

The person is habitual offender in this regards, police said adding that FIR no 83 has been registered in Shergari Poilice Station and pistol has also been seized.

“One Moin khan S/o Ghulam Mustafa khan R/o Peerbagh arrested for firing from his licensed pistol during a marriage ceremony in Aloochibagh and endangering lives of others. FIR no 83 registered in Shergari PS, pistol also seized. The person is habitual offender in this regards,” Srinagar Police said in a tweet. — (KIMS)