
Only party capable of addressing challenges, sufferings of people is NC: Assadullah Ellahi

SRINAGAR (KIMS) — Jammu And Kashmir is grappling with numerous hardships. However, I believed that the only party capable of addressing these challenges and alleviating the suffering of the people is the (NC) National Conference, the party leader Assadullah Ellahi said on Wednesday.

Assadullah Ellahi while talking to Media persons said, “I decided to join the National Conference is due to its clear vision and innovative ideas on how to tackle the issues prevalent in Kashmir. Moreover, being the oldest political party in the region, it boasts a rich history and is led by visionary leaders such as Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah.

He further said, “Pulwama is lacking in essential infrastructure, such as an engineering college and a medical college. As part of my agenda, I am committed to working towards bridging these gaps and transforming Pulwama into a developed district that not only caters to the needs of its residents but also preserves its historical and cultural heritage. Given its central location, this district has immense potential for growth and prosperity.”

He appealed youth to join mainstream and said, “I strongly believe that educated individuals have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of our society. It is imperative for them to step forward and actively engage in mainstream politics in order to serve the people and contribute to the overall development of the region. Education equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to address societal challenges and work towards sustainable progress.”

“Jammu and Kashmir is currently burdened with numerous hardships that require immediate attention. The National Conference, with its clear vision and experienced leadership, is the party that holds the potential to effectively tackle these issues. By focusing on creating essential infrastructure and encouraging educated individuals to join the mainstream, we can pave the way for a brighter future for the people of Jammu and Kashmir,” Assadullah Ellahi said. — (KIMS)