
Void left by departure of dedicated officer, ZEO Achabal can’t be easily filled

His commitment of providing quality education to every student in his care will be missed, say teachers, staff members 

Sheikh Nadeem

ANANTNAG (KIMS) — The most humble and dedicated officer in education department has been transfered in Anantnag district.

The Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) Achabal has been transfered and it has left a trail of mixed emotions among the teachers and staff of the education department.

It is really a heart-wrenching moment for all of us. He was not just a Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) but a mentor, a guide and a confidant to us. His dedication, hard work and passion for education were contagious and had a significant impact on us and the students, said teachers and staff members who have been working closely with him.

He always went above and beyond his call of duty, working tirelessly, putting in long hours and making sure that every student in his zone received the best education possible. He was a true champion of education equity and access and his work has left an indelible mark on the education sector, they said.

It is not just his knowledge and expertise that will be missed but his presence, his infectious energy and his unwavering commitment of providing quality education to every student in his care, they said.

We are left with a deep sense of loss, knowing that it will be difficult to replace his level of dedication and passion. We are however, grateful for all that he has done and hope that he uses his expertise to continue inspiring and transforming lives in his new post, they said while bidding farewell to him.

The void that his departure has left will not be easily filled but we take solace in the fact that he has touched countless lives and his legacy will continue to thrive long after he has left. — (KIMS)