SRINAGAR — Jammu and Kashmir Police along with a local rescued a woman after she attempted to commit suicide by jumping into river Jhelum in Srinagar.
Police said that a woman (name withheld) had family issue that caused her instant trauma and jumped into river Jhelum in Nawakadal area of the city to commit suicide.
However she was rescued by Police and civilian namely Khabeeb Muneer Dar of Palpora and was handed over to the family, they said, adding the civilian will be rewarded for bravery for saving her life.
“Today one lady (name withheld) jumped into river at Nawakadal, due to action of police & one Khabeeb Muneer Dar of Palpora she was saved. It came out that she had family issue that caused her instant trauma. She was handed over to family. Civilian will be rewarded for bravery,” Srinagar Police said in a tweet. — (KIMS)